Dr. Elizabeth Madin
Principal Investigator
Marine community ecology & food webs
Predator-prey interactions
Emerging technologies for coral reef conservation
Aviv Suan
Project & Lab Manager
Coral reef ecology
Remote sensing and GIS applications
Emerging technologies for coral reef conservation
Dr. Simone Franceschini
Research scientist
Machine learning & artificial intelligence
Quantitative ecology
GIS & spatial analysis
Dr. Jacob Linsky
Marine mammal ecology
Remote sensing in population monitoring
Predator-prey interactions
Dr. Eva Llabrés
Dynamics of seagrasses & coral reefs
Statistical physics applied to ecology
Mathematical models for coast protection
Annie Innes-Gold
ph.d. candidate
Coral reef ecology
Ecosystem-based fisheries management
Social-ecological systems
Andrew Pettit
ph.d. Student
Fisheries ecology
Marine conservation and management
Remote sensing and GIS applications
Aimee Cook McNab
M.S. Student
Coastal marine ecosystems connectivity
Anthropogenic impact mitigation
Emerging technologies for coastal habitat conservation
Andres Jojoa
Undergraduate Intern
Ecological interactions and behavioral adaptations
Marine conservation strategist
Innovative approaches in habitat restoration
Dava Watson
High school Intern
Remote sensing in ecology
Coral reef ecology
Emerging technologies for coral reef conservation
Lab Visitors
Calla Raymond
Spring 2024
University of British Columbia
Catherine Sheppard
Spring 2024
Lancaster University