Science Communication
We love sharing our science with the rest of the world. We're always looking for new ways to do so. Contact us if you've got ideas!

The New York Times, “Predators Gone, Small Fish Get Bolder”
Hawaii Public Radio, “Reef halos offer bird's-eye view of coral reef health”
Hakai Magazine, “Fragmented Protections Fail Top Predators”
Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology Summer Program
Macquarie University’s Early-Career Researcher of the Year Award video featuring our spatial ecology of fear research (1:20)
Australian Geographic magazine, “Google program helping research”
Nature, “Brave fish forage more”: Research Highlights blurb on Madin et al. (2010) American Naturalist.
Wildlife Australia Magazine, “Seeing Fear From Space”
Time Magazine, “Testing the waters”
The Elizabeth Madin Lab featured on CBS’ “Mission Unstoppable” TV show (episode preview here)
Elizabeth’s lecture in Macquarie University’s Women in Science Masterclass for rural and underserved high school students in Australia (42:27)
Elizabeth’s seminar at Google HQ in Mountain View, CA (49:14)
Google Earth Outreach video featuring our spatial ecology of fear research (1:47; starts at 1:24)
“Children, Coral Reefs, and Climate Change”: Primary and preschool students in Sydney, Australia show their concern for the future of coral reefs through a self-organised bake sale fundraiser, a guest lesson at school and group discussion on World Oceans Day 2017. Video by Alvaro del Campo and Natalie Lorentzen of QuickClips.